



Public profiles available at: RePEc; SSRN; Google Scholar; ReserachGate

Articles in Refereed Journals
Working Paper

Articles in Refereed Journals:

Philipp Hirsch, Moritz Schillinger, Katharina Appoloni, Patricia Burkhardt-Holm, Hannes Weigt
Integrating economic and ecological benchmarking for a sustainable development of hydropower
Sustainability, Vol. 8 (2017), No. 9, pp. 1-20
Jan Abrell and Hannes Weigt
Investments in a Combined Energy Network Model: Substitution between Natural Gas and Electricity?
The Energy Journal, Vol. 37 (2016), SI: Sustainable Infrastructure Development and Cross-Border Coordination
Stephan Schmidt and Hannes Weigt
Interdisciplinary energy research and energy consumption: What, why, and how?
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 10 (2015), pp. 206-219
Ingmar Schlecht and Hannes Weigt
Linking Europe - The Role of the Swiss Electricity Transmission Grid until 2050

Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES),
Vol. 151 (2015), No. 2, pp 39-79
Frank Krysiak and Hannes Weigt
The Demand Side in Economic Models of Energy Markets: The Challenge of Representing Consumer Behavior
Frontiers in Energy Research
(2015), 3:24. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2015.00024
Anne Neumann, Juan Rosellón, and Hannes Weigt
Removing Cross-Border Capacity Bottlenecks in the European Natural Gas Market—A Proposed Merchant-Regulatory Mechanism
Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol. 15 (2015), No. 1, pp 149-181
Philipp Hirsch, Sebastian Schillinger, Hannes Weigt and Patricia Burkhardt-Holm.
A Hydro-Economic Model for Water Level Fluctuations: Combining Limnology with Economics for Sustainable Development of Hydropower
(2014), 9 (12): 1-26
Friedrich Kunz and Hannes Weigt
German's Nuclear Phase Out - A Survey of the Impact since 2011 and Outlook to 2023

Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy
, Vol. 3 (2014), No. 2, pp 13–27
Hannes Weigt, Denny Ellerman, Erik Delarue
CO2 abatement from renewables in the German electricity sector: Does a CO2 price help?
Energy Economics
, Volume 40, Supplement 1 (2013), pp S149–S158
Karsten Neuhoff, Julian Barquin, Janusz W. Bialek, Rodney Boyd, Chris J. Dent, Francisco Echavarren, Thilo Grau, Christian von Hirschhausen, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Friedrich Kunz, Christian Nabe, Georgios Papaefthymiou, Christoph Weber, Hannes Weigt
Renewable electric energy integration: Quantifying the value of design of markets for international transmission capacity
Energy Economics
, Vol. 40 (2013), pp 760–772
Jan Abrell and Hannes Weigt
Combining Energy Networks
Networks and Spatial Economics
Vol. 12 (2012), No. 3, pp 377-401
Florian Leuthold, Hannes Weigt, and Christian von Hirschhausen
A Large-Scale Spatial Optimization Model of the European Electricity Market
Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol. 12 (2012), No. 1, pp 75-107

Juan Rosellón, Ingo Vogelsang, and Hannes Weigt
Long-run Cost Functions for Electricity Transmission

The Energy Journal, Vol. 33 (2012), No. 1., pp. 131-160
Juan Rosellón and Hannes Weigt
A Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Transmission Expansion in Electricity Networks – Theory, Modeling and Application
The Energy Journal, Vol. 32 (2011), No. 1, pp. 119-148

Kristin Dietrich , Florian Leuthold, and Hannes Weigt
Will the Market Get it Right? The Placing of New Power Plants in Germany
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol. 34 (2010), No. 4, pp. 255-265
Hannes Weigt, Till Jeske, Florian Leuthold, and Christian von Hirschhausen
“Take the long way down”: Integration of large-scale North Sea wind using HVDC transmission
Energy Policy, Vol. 38 (2010), No. 7, pp. 3164-3173
Hannes Weigt, Anne Neumann, and Christian von Hirschhausen
Divestitures in the Electricity Sector: Conceptual Issues and Lessons from International Experiences
The Electricity Journal, Vol. 22 (2009), No. 3, pp. 57-69
Hannes Weigt
Germany’s Wind Energy: The Potential for Fossil Capacity Replacement and Cost Saving
Applied Energy, Vol.86 (2009), No. 10, pp. 1857-1863
Bert Willems, Ina Rumiantseva, and Hannes Weigt
Cournot versus Supply Functions: What Does the Data Tell us?
Energy Economics
Vol. 31 (2009), No. 1, pp. 38-47.
Hannes Weigt and Christian von Hirschhausen
Price Formation and Market Power in the German Wholesale Electricity Market in 2006
Energy Policy
Vol. 36 (2008), No. 11, pp. 4227-4234
Florian Leuthold, Hannes Weigt, and Christian von Hirschhausen,
Efficient Pricing for European Electricity Networks - The Theory of Nodal Pricing Applied to Feeding-in Wind in Germany
Utilities Policy
Vol. 16 (2008), No. 4, pp. 284-291
Christoph Müller and Hannes Weigt
How Much Cost Plus is in German Network Charges
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries,
Vol. 1 (2006), No. 1, pp. 49-61.


Working Paper:

Moritz Schillinger, Hannes Weigt, Michael Barry and René Schumann (2017)
Hydropower Operation in a Changing Market Environment – A Swiss Case Study
Anton Bondarev and Hannes Weigt (2017)
Sensitivity of energy system investments to policy regulation changes: Application of the blue sky catastrophe
Michael Barry et al. (2015)
The Future of Swiss Hydropower - A Review on Drivers and Uncertainties
Ingmar Schlecht, Hannes Weigt (2014)
Linking Europe - The Role of the Swiss Electricity Transmission Grid until 2050
Jan Abrell, Hannes Weigt (2014)
Investments in a Combined Energy Network Model: Substitution between Natural Gas and Electricity?
Ingmar Schlecht, Hannes Weigt (2014)
Swissmod - A Model of the Swiss Electricity Market
Stephan Schmidt and Hannes Weigt (2013)
A Review on Energy Consumption from a Socio-Economic Perspective: Reduction through Energy Efficiency and Beyond
Jan Abrell, Clemens Gerbaulet, Franziska Holz, Casimir Lorenz, Hannes Weigt (2013)
Combining Energy Networks: The Impact of Europe's Natural Gas Network on Electricity Markets until 2050
Hannes Weigt, Erik Delarue, and Denny Ellerman (2012)
CO2 Abatement from RES Injections in the German Electricity Sector: Does a CO2 Price Help?
Anne Neumann, Juan Rosellón, and Hannes Weigt (2011)
Removing Cross-Border Capacity Bottlenecks in the European Natural Gas Market - A Proposed Merchant-Regulatory Mechanism
Friedrich Kunz, Christian von Hirschhausen, Dominik Möst, and Hannes Weigt (2011)
Nachfragesicherung und Lastflüsse nach dem Abschalten von Kernkraftwerken in Deutschland – Sind Engpässe zu befürchten?
English version:
Security of Supply and Electricity Network Flows after a Phase-Out of Germany’s Nuclear Plants: Any Trouble Ahead?
Hannes Weigt and Bert Willems  (2011)
The Effect of Divestitures in the German Electricity Market
Jan Abrell and Hannes Weigt (2010)
Combining Energy Networks
Juan Rosellón, Ingo Vogelsang, and Hannes Weigt (2009)
Long-run Cost Functions for Electricity Transmission
Hannes Weigt (2009)
A Review of Liberalization and Modeling of Electricity Markets

Anne Neumann, Norman Viehrig, and Hannes Weigt (2009)
nTraGas - A Stylized Model of the European Natural Gas Network

Kristin Dietrich , Florian Leuthold, and Hannes Weigt (2009)
Will the Market Get it Right? The Placing of New Power Plants in Germany
Florian Leuthold, Till Jeske, Hannes Weigt, and Christian von Hirschhausen (2009)
When the Wind Blows Over Europe - A Simulation Analysis and the Impact of Grid Extensions
Jan Abrell and Hannes Weigt (2008)
The Interaction of Emissions Trading and Renewable Energy Promotion
Lars Wieschhaus and Hannes Weigt (2008)
Economic Interactions between Electricity Reserve Markets and Wholesale Electricity Markets
Hannes Weigt (2008)
Germany’s Wind Energy: The Potential for Fossil Capacity Replacement and Cost Saving
Florian Leuthold, Hannes Weigt, and Christian von Hirschhausen (2008)
ELMOD - A Model of the European Electricity Market
Jan Abrell, Friedrich Kunz, Hannes Weigt (2008)
Start Me Up - Modeling of Power Plant Start-Up Conditions and their Impact on Prices
Marlen Görner, Tina Hahnemann, Tobias Heß, Hannes Weigt (2008)
Electricity Transmission Modeling: Economic Impact of Technical Characteristics

Juan Rosellón and Hannes Weigt (2008)
A Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Transmission Expansion in Electricity Networks – Theory, Modeling and Application
Christian von Hirschhausen, Anne Neumann, and Hannes Weigt (2007)
Divestiture as an Instrument of a Pro-active Competition Policy: Conceptual Issues and Lessons from International Experiences
Hannes Weigt and Christian von Hirschhausen (2007)
Price Formation and Market Power in the German Wholesale Electricity Market in 2006
Bert Willems, Ina Rumiantseva, and Hannes Weigt (2007)
Cournot versus Supply Functions: What does the data tell us?
Stefan Riedel and Hannes Weigt (2007)
German Electricity Reserve Markets
Christian von Hirschhausen and Hannes Weigt (2007)
Aktive Wettbewerbspolitik für effiziente Elektrizitätserzeugungsmärkte – Instrumente, internationale Erfahrungen und wirtschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen
Christian von Hirschhausen and Hannes Weigt (2007)
Price Formation and Market Power in the German Electricity Wholesale Market – Is Big Really Beautiful?
Christian von Hirschhausen, Hannes Weigt, and Georg Zachmann (2007)
Price Formation and Market Power in Germany’s Wholesale Electricity Markets (english version)
Hannes Weigt (2006)
A Time-Variant Welfare Economic Analysis of a Nodal Pricing Mechanism in Germany
Karen Freund, Till Jeske, and Hannes Weigt (2006)
Nodal Pricing of the European Electricity Grid - A Welfare Economic Analysis for Feeding-in Offshore Wind Electricity
Florian Leuthold, Ina Rumiantseva, Hannes Weigt et al. (2005)
Nodal Pricing in the German Electricity Sector – A Welfare Economics Analysis, with Particular Reference to Implementing Offshore Wind Capacities


Articles, Book Chapters, Reports, Comments, Viewpoints, Others:

Friedrich Kunz, Christian von Hirschhausen, Dominik Möst, Hannes Weigt
Nachfragesicherung und Lastflüsse nach dem Abschalten von Kernkraftwerken in Deutschland – Sind Engpässe zu befürchten?
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen
, Vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 28 - 32. (2011)

Florian Leuthold and Hannes Weigt
Experience with Renewable Energy Policy in Germany,
in Harnesing Renewable Energy, Jorge Padilla, Boaz Moselle, and Richard Schmalensee (Editors)

  Hannes Weigt
Comment: Latin versus European Power - a Comparison of Market Reforms in Europe and Chile and Brazil.
Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement
, Issue 59 (2008), S. 93-96
  Christian von Hirschhausen, Anne Neumann and Hannes Weigt
Horizontale Entflechtung als aktive Wettbewerbspolitik.
Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 88 (2008), Nr. 5, S. 322-325
  Christian von Hirschhausen, Anne Neumann and Hannes Weigt
Deutsche Energiemärkte brauchen mehr Wettbewerb.
ifo Schnelldienst
1/2008 S. 13–15.
  Christian von Hirschhausen, Hannes Weigt, and Florian Leuthold
Wettbewerb im deutschen Elektrizitätsmarkt.
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden
56/3-4  (2007) S. 57–61.
  Christian von Hirschhausen and Hannes Weigt
Aktive Wettbewerbspolitik für effiziente Elektrizitätserzeugungsmärkte – Europäische Erfahrungen.
Zeitschrift für neues Energierecht
11/1  (2007) S. 12–17.
  Christian von Hirschhausen and Hannes Weigt
Aktive Wettbewerbspolitik für effiziente Elektrizitätserzeugungsmärkte – Instrumente, internationale Erfahrungen und wirtschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen.
DIW Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung
, 76. Jahrgang  (2007), 1, S. 65–86.


Hannes Weigt
Modeling Competition and Investment in Liberalized Electricity Markets (2009)
Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Economics